How do your children spend their free time on the weekends and after school? Do they play in the backyard or at the park? Do they play on swings, ride their bikes, rollerblade or skateboard with their friends? Or do they spend long hours watching television or playing computer games?
A healthy and nourishing lunch is important to help kids stay alert and active throughout the day. If your kids are tired of the same old sandwich, why not mix and match some of the following more exciting options?
A healthy, nutritious breakfast that provides your kids with adequate energy is a great way to start the day. The best breakfasts should include fruit or vegetables, a dairy product (or alternative) and a wholegrain bread, cereal or grain product. Some may think that preparing and eating a healthy breakfast is time consuming, but this is not necessarily the case.
Food activities are a great way to teach children about different types of foods, and to involve them in food preparation. There are countless ways that you can use foods to engage children, and here are just a couple of suggestions
Active, growing children require good nutrition to build healthy bodies and to help them be the best they can be. Many attitudes towards food are shaped during early school years, forming the basis for future eating habits. As parents we can help our children build healthy foundations by encouraging a love of good food and good nutrition throughout these years.
The first 12 months of life is the fastest growth period in a human’s life – a baby’s weight can triple by twelve months of age. Making sure your baby is fed properly is critical for normal growth and development.